Hello there!
God bless Europe and the -18 freezers! There’s certain things that for culture and for money, I didn’t get to know in Venezuela. There, the common way to freeze something is by a occupying a freezer that normally is combined with the normal fridge, and works on certain temperature that allows to freeze but not overreacting at all! Said that, is here in Belgium where I saw my first -18 monster and I fell in love at the first sight. I always knew that such a thing would be solving half of my life in any moment, but is for sure on these days of heat when I’m happier than ever by having it!
Today I was preparing my daily post about our mentioned Challenge, for which one I have so many recipes to develop yet. But remember that I’m going soon to the beach and I can’t be eating more than one treat by day or else I wouldn’t be worst than before with so many nice things!! Therefore, every day, I carefully think and organize one sweet recipe for me and for you to enjoy and the one for today was an experiment with a marriage in between Chia Seeds and vanilla Pudding that on a first taste wasn’t too bad, but at the end of the counts, I decided that this blog is for good and I wasn’t completely convinced with the idea of frog eggs floating on a milky substance to be posted…
Worried about making something up that I wasn’t planning and worst, looking at the fact that I already ate at fondum the failed Chia, I felt almost hopeless realizing that If I made something else I wouldn’t be able to eat it today.. But there’s where normally the magic happens, in those kind of moments where the light seems to go off. So I decided to combine another amazingly convenient food of this week and by using two of my favorite things at home I came out with Ice Cream. Yes, ‘Bosvruchten’ to be more specific, and what is that? Mmm… It’s just the Belgian way to say berries I guess, and also sounds kind of fancy for me. ;-)
And why Cheeky? Well, just because of the very tricky way that I solved this mess I became on today. So Bushfruits Ice cream, let me say something about it, D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S! I think is the best I ever ate, seeing that is made basically by fruits and the taste is so powerful that I only can remember the most famous Italian Creamery at home, with such an intensity of flavors and colors, all decorated that beautifully that you never could really choose for one. But my favorite back them always was the Berries Ice cream, intense and passionate always.
The best of all was that it took me literally 5 minutes to make it before let it cool in my fabulous -18 a little while as the other reason why I love Europe so much is that the fruits you can purchase already frozen in the shop, so they are available for you the whole year around, isn’t it convenient? Because as you know, once you mix them being frozen, the ice cream is almost completely textured and ready to eat.
As we are in the Losing-weight wave this week, I combined the fruits with yogurt that was already sweetened, but if you like the adrenaline, better go for same amount of Greek non sugared low fat yogurt and add honey before you pulse it. For a last note I want to say, YES!! I couldn’t resist to put it in a cone hehehehe, it was so pretty! but of course I won’t eat that cone, for that I have specialized teeths around that will appreciate that crunchy cookie dipped in the Ice Cream. But believe me, you won’t miss it at all, the rich flavor of this Bushberries version will keep you happy by eating it straight from the container.
Cheeky Bosvruchten Ice Cream
2 c Frozen Raspberries
2c Frozen Blueberries
2 c Frozen Strawberries
2c Yogurt*
2 tbsp. Raw Honey
Place all the ingredients in the food processor and mix without mercy until the fruit pieces disappeared and you got an homogeneous sorbet.
Pour the sorbet into an airtight container and let it rest in the freezer until is hard, with -18 you will only need around one hour, but there’s cases of cases, I know about it very well, then is probably better to let it rest overnight... ;-)
Serve and use any delicious topping that has fiber enough, like toasted almonds for example or tossed peanuts.
** If the yogurt is sweetened like mine, with the honey of the recipe is enough for my taste. If you had time to get Greek Unsweetened Yogurt, then you can add from ‘4 to 6 tbsp of honey to power up the sweetness.
Note for myself: Come on Patricia! It’s about time to get an ice cream scoop!... -.-’
Tot ziens! (Until Tomorrow…)
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